Sometime you just need a day to get away and think about your garden and the plans should be written down just in case you may have lapse of memory like me. When you plan a garden you need to think about how much sun the area of your garden may get durring the day as most plants need at least 8 hours of sun or sun to partial shade. Know your surroundings. Don't forget to watch out for critters that may get hungry. You especially want to know if you have moles that love to eat tulip bulbs and groundhogs that love vegetation, not to mention deer that will do a number on your lettuce. Try this site to help you keep rabbits out of your garden.

Snails too. Try this site...

Your garden can get diseases just like us. There are many diseases so try this site to help diagnose the problem. This site has alot of information and other sites to visit also. or this one

Here is a website you can visit for a list of common landscape diseases.

There is another website that gives you a list of medicinal herbs...Check it out




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