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Ok, now lets get down to business. I am going to use this time for all of us to put our ideas for gardening to be fun, less costly and effortless to an extent, down on paper and send them to my email and I will update this page weekly. I know gardening can be hard work at times so between you and I we can make the journey a bit easier with some of our own creative masterpieces that we have in our mind. Below I put in a search engine for your convience.


 Use old newspapers in your garden between the rows of veggies to keep the weeds down under your feet. The newspaper holds moisture, therefore less watering. Newspaper biodegrades, creating compost.

 Use empty yogurt containers for planting your seeds inside before spring. Poke small holes in the bottom for drainage. They are reusable and help save the environment from trash not to mention saving you money from having to buy the containers every year. Just remember to clean them with hot soapy water before using them again.

 Dry out your seeds from squash, cucumber, pumpkin etc...to save money each year. I just make sure that the seeds are completely dry before putting them in a container. Dry them on a paper plate inside a napkin for about a week, then put them in an envelope or a clean jar. I save my horseradish jars and b&m baked bean jars. This also helps the environment and saves money.

 When you see a bucket in the garage that's rusting out and no longer used, pick it up and look at it really good and you will get alot of ideas of what you can plant in it, what you can paint on it, or where it will look good when it is done. This is saving money in alot of ways, environmentally, the rust feeds plants, and you don't have to buy another planter or yard ornament.

 Now its your turn, send me some of your ideas on the form at the top of this page and I will share them with everyone...Lets have fun. Thank you for participating in my website. At the top of this page click on Please fill out my form and feel free to leave messages.  You can also go to Share and Share alike tab and chat also.



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